Have You Missed Me ?

Well the good news I am back, after having three long weeks off work, I will be back in the office at 9am on Monday the 17th August.

As most of my clients know I wasn’t away on a cruise nor a nice beach holiday (wish I was), no instead, on Friday 24th  July  I was admitted to Wythenshawe Hospital for an operation. I was in overnight and was dischard on the Saturday afternoon. I am unable to do anything strenuous for a good 6-8 weeks but I will say it was all worth it in the end and thank goodness all has worked out brilliantly.

One thing I will have to say is Wythenshawe Hospital is one of the best in Manchester, I was so well looked after, the surgeon who operated on me is one of the best in the UK and she did a fabulous job, also the nurses were just brilliant. I had no complaints at all, can’t even believe the food was outstanding, which is a first .

I just also wanted to say a massive thank you to all my friends, my sister and my little niece who is only 14 years old. She took a week out of her school holidays to come and stay at mine to look after me and helped me back to recovery, she is an absolute little gem and I couldn’t of done it without her. Thank you Emma you are my shining little star.

emma xxxx

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About Me

My name is Michelle Fennelly and I have over 28 years of experience in the travel industry and cruising is my passion. I have worked for Cruise.co.uk for the last 6yrs which I absolutely love, before then I have worked for Air200 – Airtours / MyTravel – Tomas Cook. I…

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