Do You Really Need Car Insurance !


This is one question I do ask myself now !

Let me explain to you all what has happened. On Monday 05/01/2015, I was driving out from the gym and a lady was in a Isuzu Trooper (similar to a 4×4) was in front of myself waiting to get out of a junction. To my shock and surprise she just reversed and smashed her car into the front of mine. I jumped out and she did also shouting and screaming at me which in my favour I had done nothing wrong at all , I had been sandwiched in with at least 5 cars behind me. She then tells me she does not have any car insurance and would I accept someone to repair it, which my answer was no not a chance and I am calling the police. As I was waiting for the police her son arrived and took her into the pub which was opposite where the accident happened. When the police eventually arrived her son had told them she had got into a taxi and went home. I had given my statement to the police and was told that she would get 6 points on her licence as well as £200 fine. Then I got a phone call when I arrived home to be told the police had gone to her house and issued her with the ticket as well as she would be able to recover her car back the next day as soon as she applied for her insurance.


  • How can this be right, people are driving around without  any car insurance and they are only given 6 points, £200 fine and then they can recover their car ! Unbelievable !
  • The woman left the scene of an incident and also was coming out of a pub and the police didn’t even breathalyse her nor did she get done for leaving the scene ! Shocking !
  • The woman in question was honoured with an MBE in 2010 for fostering children, would you believe she actually had 3 children in the car, absolutely disgraceful, what if something worse had happened !
  • Now I have to pay £310 to have my own car repaired and also because I have 13yrs no claims and protected it will be 1 strike against it, not only that my premium will go up next year.
  • This woman and anyone else that is driving around without car insurance you should get a ban straight away and your car should be crushed, simple fact !

I do have to say there are major issues with the legal system, if it is this easy to get your car back, why the heavens do we all pay hundreds of pounds every year to get our cars insured. We are the ones who are the victims here, It is all just totally wrong, makes me feel so angry that people are allowed to get away with this.


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My name is Michelle Fennelly and I have over 28 years of experience in the travel industry and cruising is my passion. I have worked for for the last 6yrs which I absolutely love, before then I have worked for Air200 – Airtours / MyTravel – Tomas Cook. I…

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