Don’t Panic!! Booking Your First Cruise Can be All Plain Sailing!

I sell cruises and I have sold them for a long time. Cruising is second nature to me, it comes naturally and everything is quite straight forward, I understand cruising and everything about it (although not a day goes by that I don’t learn something new!). I am passionate about what I do and love helping people book their holiday of a lifetime and making sure that their cruise experience is seamless.  Very often I speak to people who are booking their first cruise and I make sure I take the time to explain everything as clearly as I can and answer all their questions, and most importantly make sure that the cruise we chose for them is the right one for them!
Pottering about online while I was having my lunch today I came across this article
On the surface it is an informative read with some good tips and pointers, although I had to chuckle at the way it ended, just sort of in mid air! And absolutely no mention of how to book your cruise once you have made your decision – all by yourself apparently. I’m afraid that the article is a bit too clinical for me, it lacks the personal touch. No mention of cabins for families, kids facilities/clubs, 6* cruise lines that are more or all inclusive, adult only ships or family friendly. I thought it very much put the emphasis on the first time cruiser and rather assumed they would be doing all the leg work themselves and booking their own cruise, enough to put you off I would think!
By all means do a bit of research if you like, peruse the brochures and keep an open mind while you do. Having done this, the best advice I can give you is to call a specialist cruise consultant! We are here to help you. We are friendly, knowledgeable and eager to help. We have a wealth of knowledge and experience that we are able to share with you. You are not alone!
There are many companies and many people selling cruises and they will be happy to take your money. If you want someone who will look after you from your first phone call right the way through to a call when you get home to see how your cruise went then I might just be the girl you are looking for! To see more about me and what I can do for you take a look at this post that I did a while ago. If you like what you see then I hope to be able to help you book your next cruise and giving you my very best personal service.

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About Me

I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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