Fancy getting naked on your next cruise?

Yes, you did read that right!  Is it something that appeals to you? I have never really considered it until I was on the Europa 2 recently – sheltered life I have led! And just for the record, I am not considering it at all!
Anyway, it would appear that the Germans are quite keen on wandering around naked.
On Europa 2 there is a dedicated area on deck, just outside the spa area, where guests are free to sunbathe in the nude. And it seems that nudity is not limited to this area – one of my travelling companions was in the sauna when a naked man joined her in there! She did not make eye contact and was relieved that he didn’t strike up a conversation with her.
On further investigation I have discovered that from time to time ships are chartered for ‘naturist cruises’, and mainly by the Germans from what I can gather.
Do you think there is a market for this type of cruising in the UK? I doubt if we could fill a ship as us Brits aren’t quite liberated enough. If you do fancy the idea, give me a call and I can give you all the info you need about Europa 2, especially where this area of deck can be found. You don’t want to be doing it on the main pool deck!

Written by Hannah Wilson

2 Comments on “Fancy getting naked on your next cruise?

  1. If any naked cruise was to leave a UK port and return to the UK, you would be surprised by the uptake. There are thousands of naturists in the UK. Most naturist cruises sell out in weeks, not taking a year to fill up like ordinary cruises.

  2. Wow the sight of a bare body. Now isnt that just shocking? Let me think, has everyone not seen a naked body before? Wwe were all born naked so what is the issue?

    Its the most natural thing in the world and if only the prudish British actually tried going without clothes on, they would see and feel just how nice it is. Try a swim without that costume and you will never want to wear one again. Have a walk and feel the air on your body its a wonderful feeling, and if you get the chance go and have a week away in the nude.

    Hannah you should consider it. Go on everyone have a go.

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