How Does It Work?

When booking your cruise, your cruise consultant will ask you if you would like to pay using scheduled card payments. Scheduled card payments are usually used for things such as everyday subscriptions and insurance policies. Here are a few things to remember when setting up a scheduled card payment with;

  1. We will ask for your long debit or credit card number rather than your bank sort code and account number.

  2. Ensure your debit or credit card does not expire prior to your final payment being due for your cruise holiday.

  3. Each monthly payment is taken automatically, so you can sit back and relax!

Things To Remember

  • As these payments are automatic, it can be easy to forget about them so make sure you know where to find them. They are usually under sections called 'payments’, ‘subscriptions’ and ‘scheduled payments’.

  • If you are struggling to find where these payments are, be sure to get in touch with your bank directly to find out.

  • If your card is cancelled, lost, stolen, or damaged, please get in touch with us to update your payment details to ensure your cruise holiday is still paid for.

If you're interested in paying for your next cruise with scheduled card payments, please get in touch with us to discuss this is more detail.

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