Special cargo onboard Queen Mary


It comes up every so often in conversation peoples different birth experiences, my close work colleague beats them all as she delivered her son in the hospital the car park…. But how about being able to tell people your son/daughter was born on the World’s largest Ocean Liner.  This happened on Saturday evening when a German passenger’s waters broke while the Queen Mary was near the end of her transatlantic crossing from Southampton to New York.  The doctor on board sprang into action to deliver the baby boy who was appropriately named Benjamin Brooklyn.  Apparently the baby was due in 3 weeks’ time but decided he couldn’t wait any longer.



The Captain confirmed that this was the first time a baby had ever been born on board.

It then occurred to me that maybe the passenger should never have been allowed to board the ship so late into her pregnancy.  The terms and conditions of Cunard is that they prohibit guests from boarding that will enter the 24th week of pregnancy by the last day of the voyage.  Of course all cruise ships travel with a doctor on board, but they may not have the correct facilities or equipment that may be needed in an emergency.  It is important that when you make a booking you give your agent as much information as possible for us to then give you the correct advice.


All was fine with mother and baby who had to cut short their holiday and have stayed in New York with the rest of the family,and wish them all a happy life together..


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I am part of the furniture here at cruise.co.uk being the longest serving sales consultant, with 19 years service. It doesn't stop there as I started in travel when I left school 20 years ago and my passion for travel has never sunk, pardon the pun! My career kicked off…

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