In memory of Drew……

As you are all aware from my previous blogs myself and some of my work colleagues and Managers at  Cruise are running the Birmingham half marathon on the 21st October 2012.  We have all trained really hard over the past couple of months and are all feeling very proud of ourselves, especially those people that had never run before. As I mentioned before we were running for a charity that our work colleage Drew set up.  He was diagnosed with a rare form of Sarcoma back in October 2011.  Sadly on Monday evening we had the devastaing news that he lost his battle, he was just 30 years old!!

I have to say Drew was such a great guy, always full of life, he was a “gentle giant”.  It was a pleasure to work so closley with him always telling jokes, and saying his favourite phrase “Mange Tout Mange Tout”.  He loved birthdays or any kind of celebrations when it gave him the opportunity of asking all the girls to queue up for a kiss.  Drew you are going to be missed at but we are going to keep your memory alive. 

So you can imagine how more determined we are now to run this race in memory of Drew, and to make himself proud of the charity he set up.  Please can you sponsor me by making donations on the page he set up  Some of you may of had the pleasure to speak to him in the past, for anyone that would like to know a little more about Drew then click on the following link:

Thank you and I will let you know how it all goes.

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I am part of the furniture here at being the longest serving sales consultant, with 19 years service. It doesn't stop there as I started in travel when I left school 20 years ago and my passion for travel has never sunk, pardon the pun! My career kicked off…

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