Merry Christmas…..

First of all I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and also a big thank you to you all for taking the time to read my blog over the past few years, and for all the wonderful comments I have received over time.

2016 is a special year for me at as I will be celebrating 20 years of service.  I have to say I have loved every minute of my time here at cruise, have made some wonderful memories, friends and have shared lots of laughter, and I am looking forward to the next 20 years here at!

Thought you would like to see the latest Christmas photo which was taken a couple of days ago on Fred Olsen’s Balmoral conference cruise.


xmas 2016


January is always one of our busiest times of the year, so there will be lots of hype and activity during this period.  Watch out for some amazing prices, lots of new ans wonderful Tailormade packages and if 2016 is the year where you tick off a bucket list holiday then keep your eyes peeled, we have some fantastic itineraries!!



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About Me

I am part of the furniture here at being the longest serving sales consultant, with 19 years service. It doesn't stop there as I started in travel when I left school 20 years ago and my passion for travel has never sunk, pardon the pun! My career kicked off…

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