30th anniversary

Cruise.co.uk (formely Victoria Travel),  has recently celebrated a huge event – 30 years of being in business.  Our Chariman Andrew Gardner, together with all past garden hosts and Vanessa who has worked for the company for 25 years have recently returned from a very sucessful mini cruise aboard the new refurbished Braemar. Whilst on board Vanessa asked the maitre d’ to see if they could arrange a cake to mark the occasion, she asked if perhaps they could include an image of a ship – little did she realise that they would do exactly that!

anniversary cake

We have also had another celebration for Vanessa who has just celebrated 25 years working for Victoira Travel and Cruise.co.uk.  What an achievement!  Here is a photo of Andrew Gardner presenting her with her present.










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I am part of the furniture here at cruise.co.uk being the longest serving sales consultant, with 19 years service. It doesn't stop there as I started in travel when I left school 20 years ago and my passion for travel has never sunk, pardon the pun! My career kicked off…

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