Fantastic forties

This weekend I celebrated my 40th, and I have to say I had an amazing weekend, full of laughter, memories and of course a little alcohol……..

I celebrated it on Saturday night with a party, and shared it with a friend of mine.  It was a great night from start to finish.  I love a good night out, love dancing the night away and making some fun memories, and the night didn’t disappoint.  It was lovely to see so many old friends that I don’t get to see that often and of course my friends who I work with…..  Thought I would share some photos of the evening.

At the start of the night!!!

Towards the end!!

Me and my gorgeous sister…

Some of the staff that work in the Redditch office….

I think there were a few sore heads the next day.  So it’s back to reality for me now………but as you can see it was a great party.

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About Me

I am part of the furniture here at being the longest serving sales consultant, with 19 years service. It doesn't stop there as I started in travel when I left school 20 years ago and my passion for travel has never sunk, pardon the pun! My career kicked off…

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