40th! …….

Well this is my last week of being in my 30’s as next Sunday I celebrate the big 40!! I have to admit I am quite looking forward to finally reaching this mile stone. My celebrations are starting a week early as tomorrow I am going to spend the day with my mom and sister at the Hotel Indigo in Birmingham for a Spa day.  I’m looking forward to spending some quality time with them and have booked a back massage and facial.  Then next Saturday I am having a big 40th birthday bash, think by now you have realised I like to party, so I am hopping this will be the party of all parties.  I am a little nervous but once I have had a couple of glasses of wine I am sure my nerves will be long forgotten.  I know there will be lots of photos of the night so I will post these next week.

This week I also went to see the new NCL Getaway ship down in Southampton, but I will do a separate blog on this as I have taken lots of photos for you to see.

So here’s to a busy week at work and at play……

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I am part of the furniture here at cruise.co.uk being the longest serving sales consultant, with 19 years service. It doesn't stop there as I started in travel when I left school 20 years ago and my passion for travel has never sunk, pardon the pun! My career kicked off…

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