Costa Money Back Guarantee!


Costa Cruises are probably one of the most well-known cruise lines in the World but some of that is down to the wrong reasons. Costa are Italian and have beautiful ships sailing all the oceans of the World and what’s more is that they offer incredible value for money.

In my line of work, one of the questions I would ask if someone was enquiring for a cruise would be, Is there any cruise lines you want to avoid? Many will say Costa and MSC and when asking why it’s not down to a bad experience they have received but from looking at reviews.

Reviews do have such a huge impact in everything that we do in this day and age. Be it if you are buying a new TV or a new car, right up to purchasing a round the world cruise and although reviews are so important in helping up making up our own minds, nothing quite beat trying it first hand, after all as I say what one person likes, another may not and vice versa.

Costa are so determined to look on to the future and put the past behind them that they are running a new scheme which is a Money Back Guarantee, now this is not a branded Pizza you are buying or a new tooth paste, it is potentially a £5000.00pp (value really is not important, the fact that you would have saved up for the cruise is) and if it is for a trip which if you do not enjoy is a complete waste of money.

Now in saying that you cannot purchase a suite for 14 nights, do the cruise and come back and then say you didn’t like it, it would be nice if we could but unfortunately there are some terms. So what is the deal with this Money Back Guarantee?

For Mediterranean Cruises Only up to 14 nights in length, if you book before the end of May you will have the right to get your money back, this has to be done within 24 hours after joining the ship to have your claim accepted. Now this is the only part I am struggling with as you would only have one night on board to make your perception on, now it could be that the food is not as good as normal or the shows are cut back due to bad weather so Costa are going to have to make sure that, that first night is the best possible experience on the entire cruise although if it goes downhill from there, then you would end up with lots of unhappy guests, thinking that Costa have done it like this!

Saying that, the refund policy is very good, you will receive a 100% refund of the cruise fare and any transports costs included in the Costa booking, Costa will even provide a free journey home or to wherever the passengers began the travelling that was booked with them.

Costa are not the first to try this, Carnival Cruise lines and Fred Olsen have also had this guarantee in place so could it be something that becomes standard across all cruise lines soon? Do you think this policy should be in place?

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Hello there, I'm Tom Harding and I have been in the Cruise and Travel industry for about 10 years. Cruising has always been a passion of mine ever since I was little. I love the elegance and sophistication that comes with cruising and to be able to see lots of places…

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