Balmoral comes down with Norovirus


Fred Olsen have announced today that there ship the Balmoral has now come down with the norovirus, Hundreds of passengers have fallen ill travelling to North Africa, these passengers have been ill since leaving the uk. Fred Olsen have said that 252 out of the 919 on board have had the stomach virus.

Here is what Fred Olsen have had to say about it.

Most of those on board are British, its owner, Fred Olsen Cruise Lines says.

The ship – which left Southampton in the UK on 16 April – had been subjected to “extensive sanitisation measures and cleaning”, the firm added.

It docked in Portland, Maine, on Sunday, before leaving for Saint John, in the Canadian province of New Brunswick.

It has previously visited the Azores, Bermuda, as well as the US cities of New York and Boston.

A man, who did not want to be named, told the BBC his parents were on board and had contracted the virus.

“They have been confined to their cabin for 48 hours,” he said.

“My father said the ship was not allowed to dock in Hamilton and St George’s in Bermuda because of the virus. They have missed out on two of the highlights of this cruise.

“They are quite fit but they’re in their late 70s, which is always a worry. This was supposed to be a cruise of a lifetime for my parents but has turned into a worrying and marred escapade.”

Do cruise lines do enough to stop this happening is it something that they can change? I feel that when your all on a ship like this sometimes it just can’t be helped I know that it must not be nice for anyone having this virus on board its not nice when you have  a virus at home but I do believe these things do happen. I just hope everyone has  a speedy recovery and they get to enjoy the rest of there cruise.

Please let me know if you’ve had a virus while on board and what’s your thoughts on this.




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My Name is Renee. I am 35 years old and I live with my Partner Anthony. Here is a photo of us on holiday in Malta for our friends wedding and what a lovely day it was. I love travelling the world and have been to many destinations. If I'm not currently on my holidays…

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