That time of year


Its that time of year when the 2017/2018 cruises are out. Most of the cruise lines have there prices out ready too book and some have the prices out ready to book in April.

Here is a list for you to know which cruise lines you can book now and ones that are out in April,

On sale now are,


Royal Caribbean,


Here are the ones that you can get prices for and do a pre registration and come on sale in April,



And both there world cruises,

;m never one for booking my holidays this far in advance but this year I have already booked my holiday I’m going to Goa for 28 Nights and I’m really looking forward to it as I work Full time I don’t get chance to spend that much time with my Little girl or my Partner so it will be really nice to  spend a month with them both enjoying the sun and relaxing and to say that I don’t  normally book this early I’m already looking for my next years holiday on a cruise with Celebrity and really liking the idea of doing a transatlantic cruise from Barcelona to Miami and adding a few nights in Barcelona and Miami it will be my first time with Celebrity and I’m really looking forward to it, many years ago when the Celebrity eclipse came out I was due to go on her for a couple of nights but it was the time when we had the ash cloud and celebrity did a really nice thing in travelling to Spain and picking passengers up that we stuck there but this meant I missed out on her. so next year will be really nice to finally get to go with Celebrity.

Are you a person that likes to book early and no where your going or you a person that likes to wait and book late. If your are a person who would like to look at 2017/2018 cruises then give me a call on 0330 303 8224 and I can get you sorted on your cruise.


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About Me

My Name is Renee. I am 35 years old and I live with my Partner Anthony. Here is a photo of us on holiday in Malta for our friends wedding and what a lovely day it was. I love travelling the world and have been to many destinations. If I'm not currently on my holidays…

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