Barred from Cruising

Mrs Fisher

Fred Olsen have barred a disabled passenger from boarding there ship because she couldn’t;t get out of her wheelchair. Retired couple what a weeks break on the 30/05/16 and wanted to travel with Fred Olsen due to them being on there cruise lines before while trying to make there booking with there Travel Agent the system just wouldn’t;t let the booking go through on speaking to Fred Olsen they then discovered that as Mrs Fisher was wheelchair bound and couldn’t get out of her chair only with assistance they refused the booking. On asking why they couldn’t go as they had done before on the same ship Boudicca they explained that Fred Olsen had changed there policy and as Mrs Fisher couldn’t walk up the gate steps then they wouldn’t allow her to go.

I think this is appalling and I’ve always thought that the cruise lines don’t do enough for passengers that are in wheelchairs not only do they not have enough cabins on there ships for Disabled passengers or if you have people that just use a scooter many cruise lines won’t allow these, in this day an age there is many people in wheelchairs and many like to travel on cruise lines so isn’t it about time that cruise lines did more.

Mrs Fisher could only travel from Liverpool as other places are to long a journey and makes things difficult for her so I do hope Fred Olsen re-look at there policy and think again about changing it back but I don’t think Mrs Fisher will be travelling with them again.


Here is what a spokesman from Fred Olsen had to say, Regrettably, due to the non-availability of an overhead air bridge or a sloped gangway at the Port of Liverpool, we are restricted from assisting guests, who are fully confined to a wheelchair, to board our ships.

“Since we must rely upon the vessels own stepped gangway, the angle of which is subject to considerable tidal variation, Fred Olsen Cruise Lines requires guests disembarking or embarking in this port to be able to walk up or down this stepped gangway with minimal assistance from either a crew member or suitably able-bodied travelling companion.

“Fred Olsen is not able to carry wheelchair-reliant guests up or down the gangway, as this compromises the health and safety of both the guest and crew. We will continue to liaise with the Fishers until we can reach a satisfactory resolution.


What are your thoughts on this do you think cruise lines do enough for Disabled passengers? let me know your thoughts

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My Name is Renee. I am 35 years old and I live with my Partner Anthony. Here is a photo of us on holiday in Malta for our friends wedding and what a lovely day it was. I love travelling the world and have been to many destinations. If I'm not currently on my holidays…

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