Cruise line buys Island

MSC Cruises have announced that it will develop a private marine reserve island in the Bahamas called Ocean Cay MSC, with a view to open in November 2017.

The project will be the biggest island development by any cruise company in the Caribbean and the only marine reserve island experience. The cruise line is working closely with the Bahamian government and ecologists to transform a 95-acre former sand extraction station which lies 20 miles south of Bimini and 65 miles east of Miami Work is scheduled to start in March 2016.

I think this is very exciting and I would love to be one of the people to go to this island it looks beautiful, how nice must it be to travel on an MSC cruise ship and be one of the people to go to this private island, I’ve always wanted to go to the Bahamas but never had the money so I would be really interested in seeing how much MSC would charge for there cruise line and a trip to this island.

MSC cruises will invest around $200 million in the development which is set to feature six beaches, a 2,000-seat amphitheatre, numerous water sports options, walking and running paths, and a Bahamian village with shops, restaurants and a music gazebo. It will provide a purpose-built berth and pier on the seafront to enable passengers to step straight off the ship onto the shore.

It must be amazing I would just love to go and sit on one of them six beaches and maybe do some water sports (not that I’m a big fan of the ocean)  and I hope maybe by 2018 that I could get married on this island but don’t think this would happen, have you been to the Bahamas and what did you think of it? do you think the cruise lines are going way beyond what they first set out to do, would this be of interest to you?  would you like to be one of the first person to visit this lovely island?


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My Name is Renee. I am 35 years old and I live with my Partner Anthony. Here is a photo of us on holiday in Malta for our friends wedding and what a lovely day it was. I love travelling the world and have been to many destinations. If I'm not currently on my holidays…

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