What a fantastic 2015!

Happy New Year!

Wow what a year 2015 was! Looking back over the year, I was very lucky to have been on so many fantastic cruises and saw some amazing ships.

How was your 2015? What was your highlight?

My cruising year started in March on the launch of the P&O Britannia.


The ship is fantastic and feedback from my customers has been very good. You like the entertainment, food and the outside space. Only a few negatives. Where is the staircase in the middle of the ship? And if you are not early for the shows you may be disappointed.

This was followed by a trip over to France on the Celebrity Eclipse for 3 nights in May.

The ship really does have a wow factor! The food, entertainment and unexpected features really make this ship worthy of its 5* status. I also enjoyed wine tasting with Oz Clarke and heard the amazing life story from Ben Fogle. True highlights!


The sun came out in Liverpool for my next trip in June! Oceania Nautica looked beautiful in port and I spent the day looking round and sampling the wonderful cuisine. My expectations were high because Oceania are very proud of their food and I was not disappointed! It was wonderful! Personally I would enjoy to cruise on one of the larger Oceania ships but the comfort and service were excellent!

Rosie Nautica 1 (35)

Rosie Nautica 1 (145)

Back to Liverpool for my next trip to see the Royal Princess! The sun was glorious again and the ship looked massive in the port. Big and beautiful!

Royal Princess (25)

It was a brilliant day and I even managed to sample the famous pizza and cloudy lemonade!

I love the quirky features like the sea walk and the big screen TV on the top deck.

Royal Princess (129)

The ship dancers treated us to a show in the atrium! Lovely way to end to the day!

Royal Princess (56)

My last trip was just before Christmas on the Fred Olsen Balmoral for the annual work conference. Fantastic trip. I was really impressed with Fred Olsen and found the small ship experience delightful.


The ship was still a good size and everything was very easy to find! Bruges was amazing and not too busy to enjoy a waffle and hot chocolate in the best café! (I went last year on a Saturday and it was packed!) I was back just in time to enjoy Christmas!


How was your year?

What are your plans for 2016?

Thanks for reading

Happy New Year!

Love Rosie xxx


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About Me

I have worked in the travel industry for nearly 20 years… I started off on the high street and I have worked as a Cruise Consultant for the past 8 years. I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever! My passion is cruising, so being able…

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