Would you report an Illness?

When you are in the queue about to check in at the port, when the clerk says can you fill in the health questionnaire which says have you been ill in the last 3 weeks if so what was wrong, do you lie?


If you feel unwell after eating on board the ship, would you inform the doctor or a purser? What are the consequences if you do?

Well on speaking to a client of mine who fell ill after eating on board she informed a purser who consequently informed the doctor.  My passenger was confined to cabin for 3 days!!

Now we have all heard of the Norovirus and what happens on a ship if the virus is aboard.  Passengers are confined to cabins until the virus has cleared.  But what if it was not the virus and you felt unwell after eating.  Is there a procedure the doctor on board can follow to prove this.

There were NO other cases of Norovirus on board so why was she confined?  Is this the cruise line being too wary of the potential outbreak or is it too far fetched?

My client was not allowed to leave the ship at a port she really wanted to see because she was honest !!

Having contracted the Norovirus whist on board when I was a crew member I know exactly how you feel and how depressed you can get, but for a 24hr bug I think this was too extreme!

Have you reported a virus and been treated like this?  After reading this would you think again to report it?

2 Comments on “Would you report an Illness?

  1. Both my wife and daughter have been ill after having the same meal, wife reported it, confined to the cabin for 2 days. Daughter didn’t report it ill for 24 hours

    • In November I was very sick on a RCCL ship.I think it was a beef salad roll I had in the Solarium at lunchtime. I reported it to the ship’s nurse in the hospital & had a complimentary injection to stop the sickness. This worked but after spending about an hour in bed in the hospital, I was confined to my cabin until 8am 2 days later. I missed a port but one of the lovely girls in Guest relations took some pictures of Sardinia from the ship & the company have sent me a £50 voucher for a future cruise.

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I started life working at good ole Woolworths for quite a few years (too many to mention).  Other past jobs I have tried are working for an Interior Design company, Retail for a well known American chain and a Policeman in West Midlands Constabulary. I live in Birmingham in my…

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