Fred Olsen…Not you average cruiseline

Fred Olsens 2015 sailings are something to shout about. Fred Olsen have listened to clients and have chosen Itineraries which are a little bit more special than other cruise lines.


Because Fred Olsens ships are smaller they can go to port of call where larger ships can’t.


For instance on 16th May 2015 Boudicca sails into the Mediterranean and visits Cannes, Nice (where you can visit the Monaco Grand Prix track.


On 23Aug 2015 Braemar sails from Dover and you can enjoy an overnight in Leith (Edinburgh) which coincides with the Edinburgh Tattoo.



On 31May 2015 Balmoral will sail from Southampton and visit Isle of Man in conjunction with the Isle of Man TT race, for all you petrol heads out there.


And for all you river cruising enthusiasts, yes I did say river cruises, Braemar will sail from Harwich to Spain and sail down the Guadalquivir River to Seville the Andalucian capital where you can enjoy a fantastic fireworks display.


So don’t think of Fred Olsen as older clients because they are not and with some of the places I have just listed, their itineraries are something to beat. Take note other cruise lines!!

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I started life working at good ole Woolworths for quite a few years (too many to mention).  Other past jobs I have tried are working for an Interior Design company, Retail for a well known American chain and a Policeman in West Midlands Constabulary. I live in Birmingham in my…

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