Fred Olsen goes all romantic

Whilst talking to a client of mine who recently returned from Fred Olsen’s Boudicca mini cruise in December. My client was overjoyed with the cruise as he managed to wish Happy Christmas to a family member who actually worked on board and this would be the only time they would see her for the next few months.

The ship allowed the crew member to sit with her family at dinner and enjoy a wonderful surprise.

My client told me that on the previous cruise another crew members boyfriend was due to join her again as a surprise. He was going to propose to her whilst on board.

However the good old weather played a part with the surprise and the port of call which he was supposed to join was inaccessible due to high winds and the ship missed out the port leaving the gentleman stranded.

The Boudicca’s Captain got wind (pardon the pun) of this and allowed the gentleman to join in the next port of call ! Yes he had to fly out there but I think it was worth his while as she said ‘YES’

So in these times where many cruise lines do not go ‘that extra mile’ anymore I congratulate Fred Olsen.

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I started life working at good ole Woolworths for quite a few years (too many to mention).  Other past jobs I have tried are working for an Interior Design company, Retail for a well known American chain and a Policeman in West Midlands Constabulary. I live in Birmingham in my…

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