Cruise Aston Villa?

Speculation has been rife recently with regards to Micky Arison who is the former CEO of Carnival and owner of Miami Heat basketball team who has offloaded some of his shares in Carnival (£50M).

The speculation is with regards to my local football team Aston Villa whose current owner Randy Lerner has put the team up for sale for £150M

It has been reported that Micky Arison who is a major sports fan is off loading a fair amount of his Carnival shares which will make him more liquid to offer Lerner’s asking price.

This is all speculation at the moment however on a personal note and as a Villa fan we need a massive injection of funds into the club as for the last two seasons we have struggled to beat relegation out of the Premier league.  Our team needs a huge overhaul if we are to compete with the likes of Manchester City and Arsenal.  A big money investor could be the ticket, however, Lerner did own the Cleveland Browns American football team and knew a little about ownership, but not of a Premiership football team I might add, and his imput into Villa Park hasn’t been the best in my opinion.  Will another American ‘sports’ Investor be any better?  Well I guess we will have to wait and see what happens.

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I started life working at good ole Woolworths for quite a few years (too many to mention).  Other past jobs I have tried are working for an Interior Design company, Retail for a well known American chain and a Policeman in West Midlands Constabulary. I live in Birmingham in my…

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