A tour of the Galley on Adventure of the Seas

Well this is a first.  When I was on board Royal Caribbean Adventure of the Seas I was asked if I wanted to look around the Galley.  Now even when I was working on board the Galley was a taboo place and only Chef’s and kitchen staff were allowed in there, I guess due to the fast environment and health and safety.

As you can see the Chef was showing off with his lovely food display.  It was very tastey too!

All the packets and canned foods were on shelf’s above the working stations.

Just think of all those scrambled eggs in the buffet breakfast in the morning, just imagine how big the whisks are and how many eggs are prepared every day!

They even have cheat menues on the reverse wall with all the ingredients on.  Which I think is a good idea incase anyone is allergic to any food types etc then there is a quick reference in the Galley. Well it was a quick flying tour of the Galley and also remember there are 3 galleys on Adventure of the Seas one for each of the Mozart, Strauss and Vivaldi restaurants on each deck.

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I started life working at good ole Woolworths for quite a few years (too many to mention).  Other past jobs I have tried are working for an Interior Design company, Retail for a well known American chain and a Policeman in West Midlands Constabulary. I live in Birmingham in my…

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