Woman Begs The Public To Pay For Surgery !


I don’t know if you have all heard about Amy Murray, who is asking the general public to fund for her gastric band surgery. She is a mother of one, lives in Greater Manchester, 31 years old and weighs more than 27 stone.

Amy has created a campaign called ‘Surgery To Save My Life’ where she is begging the general public to donate towards the remaining £7,000 she needs to raise for the £10,000 surgery. She is funding the outstanding £3,000.

Amy has posted a video on her fundraising page where she revealed that her weight means she is unable to care for her three year old daughter, who has autism. She stated: ‘She needs round-the-clock attention and I can’t give her that’. She has also stated that ‘I was a chocoholic and would skip breakfast and lunch, then in the evening when my daughter went to bed I’d binge on takeaways and crisps and chocolate. I’m now eating more healthily.

Mrs Murray added: ‘I am embarrassed that I’ve had to ask strangers for donations for surgery- it’s not something that I want to do but I need to do it.’

She had been advised by the NHS that she would receive her surgery with them, so Amy and her husband were under the impression that the surgery would be ‘done and dusted’ in time for the two luxury cruises that they had booked a long time ago.

Amy was referred to a weight loss support group and lost the weight naturally, she had lost one-and-a-half stone in preparation of her gastric band operation. She has since been told by doctors that she should continue to slim naturally and cannot receive the £10,000 surgery on the NHS.

She has since revealed that she suffers from fibromyalgia, a chronic condition characterized by muscle and joint pain. Due to these medical complications, Amy claimed that her disabilities make it ‘nigh impossible’ to lose weight naturally.

Mr and Mrs Murray stated that when it became clear the NHS were not going to give her the band they tried to cancel both cruises but were only able to cancel one. Although this means that she will be jetting off on her cruise in a month, her and her husband have still raised £3000 towards the surgery that she desperately needs to save her life.

What are your thoughts on this ?

Would you donate ?

I have to say my thoughts are quite strong and being honest I don’t see why the NHS should pay for her operation and I don’t see why the general public should either.

The NHS is under enough stress at minute and why should us tax payers pay for someone who cannot help themselves. Not only that if you both can afford a luxury such as two cruises then I am sure you can save to pay for your operation.

Sorry just my view.

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My name is Michelle Fennelly and I have over 28 years of experience in the travel industry and cruising is my passion. I have worked for Cruise.co.uk for the last 6yrs which I absolutely love, before then I have worked for Air200 – Airtours / MyTravel – Tomas Cook. I…

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