Happy New Year Everyone !


I know it is a tad late but I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year and a big welcome to 2015. I’m so glad 2014 is over and done with, it wasn’t one of the best years for me so let’s hope 2015 is going to be a lot better.

A New Year is the time when, all your hopes are new, so are your aspirations, new are your resolutions and new are your spirits. So here’s wishing you all a very promising, fulfilling and a very Happy New Year!!

Enjoy 2015, let’s hope it is a good one !

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About Me

My name is Michelle Fennelly and I have over 28 years of experience in the travel industry and cruising is my passion. I have worked for Cruise.co.uk for the last 6yrs which I absolutely love, before then I have worked for Air200 – Airtours / MyTravel – Tomas Cook. I…

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