Christmas Antics With My Family.

I hope everyone had a brilliant Christmas Day and all your wishes come true.

I had a fabulous day, spent with all my family and I have to say a massive thank you to my sister Sharon for cooking Christmas dinner for all 8 of us. What a task you had hey but I will say you did a fantastic job and it was out of this world. I think I ate way too much but loved every minute of it.

Then to watch my little nephew Joshua, who is only 4yrs old opening all his presents, his little eyes popping with sheer excitement, was just brilliant.


Christmas time is all about family and I will say this year has been one of the best. A massive thank you to all my family and friends, I couldn’t of got through this year without you all. Just a few pictures of my family antics on Christmas Day. By the way I wasn’t drunk I was the driver for the day.

me and emma

joshua and dean

the loony famil

dean pinching my nose

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My name is Michelle Fennelly and I have over 28 years of experience in the travel industry and cruising is my passion. I have worked for for the last 6yrs which I absolutely love, before then I have worked for Air200 – Airtours / MyTravel – Tomas Cook. I…

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