Venice Has Won The Battle.

Well it looks like Venice has won the battle against banning large ships sailing near St Mark’s Square and entering the Giudecca Canal. Cruise Lines International Association made a pledge during talks last week with Italy’s Transport and Environment Ministers, they have stated that from the 30thNovember 2014 vessels weighing over 96,000 tonnes will eschew the route that currently sees them pass close to St Mark’s Square. This is after a long-running row about their effect on the delicate lagoon city.
The ban will also tighten daily limits of cruise liners, with no more than five ships weighing over 40,000 tonnes that are allowed to enter Giudecca Canal. Would you believe that over 650 cruise ships pass through the city annually and now many ships will have to find alternative docking outside the city itself.
The Italian government really needs to come up with a solution fast, Cruise liners do help boost the Italian tourism industry.  There has been talks about moving the home port to (the nearby town of) Marghera, far from the fragile heart of the city…giving a new future to the city”. Environmentalists have long warned that the lagoon surrounding Venice, itself a UNESCO heritage site, is at great risk.
It’s about time the Italian government came up with a compromise that would not cause too much damage to their local economy and cruise lines.

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My name is Michelle Fennelly and I have over 28 years of experience in the travel industry and cruising is my passion. I have worked for for the last 6yrs which I absolutely love, before then I have worked for Air200 – Airtours / MyTravel – Tomas Cook. I…

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