I have a new title – Woman of the Year.

Some of you who read my blog regularly may know that since January I joined slimming world to help me slim down into my perfect wedding dress in May 2018. Since I have been going I am pleased to say that at time of writing this blog I have lost so far 2 stone and 11lbs, and so moving in the right direction.

Two weeks ago in group we had to nominate for our woman of the year in our group, and then last week in group the nominees were announced and I was chuffed to find out that some people had voted for me as their woman of the year. In my group there was 7 people who were nominated but only 5 of us had to stay to group last week. We then had to all give a little speech about our slimming world journey and what we liked etc. After everyone ha spoken we were then all given our nomination forms and had to pick our overall winner.

slimming world slimming world 2

I didn’t ever think I would win as the ladies I was up against were amazing and very inspirational, and some of them had been there much longer than I had and also had lost more than me. I was all ready to clap for the winner but stopped in my tracks when I heard my name called as the winner. I was called up to collect my certificate. Woman of the Year sash, a silver star paperweight with pen and a beautiful bouquet of flowers – typically last week I had walked up to group so didn’t have any bags to put it all in (especially the sash, as although I am extremely proud of winning, our group is held in a rugby club and whilst our group is on, the men are all outside training – so didn’t want them to be saying anything as I walked past)

Now i have to wait and see if I have got through to the district final and if not then I am hugely honoured to firstly have been nominated, and secondly for people to vote for me to be the winner of my group

Have a good couple of weeks



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Hello there Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and in getting to know more about me My name is Kerry James and I have worked within Travel for the last 19 years. I have worked in different areas within the industry - selling package holidays, around…

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