Countdowns have begun

We all at some point have something we are count downing to, for some it will be when their next holiday will be, for others it might be a moving date, or due date of a baby. I have two big countdowns and I can’t quite decide which one I am most looking forward to.

The first one is for my next 2 cruises (20th and 22nd May) on board the fabulous new Harmony of the Seas, and will be the largest cruise ship in the world. I am lucky enough to have been a given a cabin on the 2 night press and travel agent launch night on the 20th May, and as I say goodbye to my colleague and room buddy Elizabeth Bean, i will be welcoming my partner and also sister and brother-in-law to then join me on the 4 night mini cruise to Rotterdam.

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We have already booked our shows via our cruise planner – and have booked to see Grease the Musical, the new ice skating show, the Aqua Theatre show, the headliner show and the comedian. My brother-in-law has just brought himself a go pro so look out for his videos (if he has worked out to use it properly) in my next blog of the ship and the slides. Online check-in has been completed and security photos already uploaded so hopefully will be as quick as Anthem was last year and just 7 minutes from dropping the bags off to stepping on the ship.

So for this Countdown there is only 4 days until boarding !!!!

The second one is my wedding date! Some of you who read my blogs will know me and my partner Nick got engaged last December in Amsterdam whilst on board the Oriana.  We have finally settled on a date in May 2018 and have booked our venues. The Wedding will take place in our local church, and then the wedding breakfast/reception will be held in a building within Chichester Cathedral. At the moment it seems 2018 is a long way off but it gives us plenty of time to save up and slim down (am pleased to announce since January I have lost 1 stone 11lbs – so well on my way – thanks to Slimming world)

engagement 2

So now the venues are booked we can relax for a year and then start putting all the details in, this time next year. It never ceases to amaze me though how suddenly as soon as you announce your getting married – your friends are then all professional cake makers, wedding photographers etc and wanting to send you quotes.

So for this Countdown there is 740 days to go !!!

Have a great couple of weeks and the next blogs will be about my time on Harmony. If you are on facebook then keep an eye on my page as it will have photos and videos uploaded throughout my trip



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Hello there Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and in getting to know more about me My name is Kerry James and I have worked within Travel for the last 19 years. I have worked in different areas within the industry - selling package holidays, around…

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