How much of a stir can a Saturday Night Takeaway make?

So for those of you who cruise regularly with P&O, or are members of cruise Facebook forums, or watch Saturday Night Takeaway hosted by Ant and Dec – you will all know that the SNT will becoming live from the Britannia on the 27th March sailing, and this has recently caused much a stir but not for the right reasons.

So those who watched the show on the 27th February would have seen a lady win a cabin on the cruise – and its not unusual on that program to win some great prizes, however it appeared to people that if you are a liar who lies to your boss and get 3 months off work for a  fake illness, or lie to your friend about some jewellry she had bought you or even gone as far as faking a robbery to lie to her husband, that this is acceptable behaviour and got herself awarded with a free cruise. Her boss was present on the show and was laughing about it as was her husband and her friend who had spent over £3000 on the jewellery (nice friend – wish I had one like that)

britannia blog

However it was hot topic of conversation on the Facebook Forums for a couple of days, with people airing there opinions and saying how disgusted they were that she was given this cruise, when the rest of them had to work hard to pay to go on there cruises. At the time I hadn’t really thought about it from that angle, but once I had read the comments I could understand what people were saying and do have to agree with them. Would you want to share your cruise with people who lie to that extreme? Do you think she should have been awarded with a cruise. According to the Mirror newspaper this all happened 20 years ago and she now owns a luxury hotel in Wales.

On Saturday 5th March they seemed to have redeemed themselves and given the cruises away to more deserving people such as a lady who had fostered over 150 children, and one who had never been on holiday.

When it was announced that the show would be broadcast live from the ship, P&O did make people aware that access to a couple of swimming pools would be out of action for a couple of days, due to the setting up of the production equipment. However further communication this week has now caused more uproar as apparently the sports courts will be out of action for the whole cruise due to the amount of equipment ITV will be taking on board – however this is a half term cruise and will be lots of children who probably would have liked to play sports or use the courts now won’t be able to, and also anyone under the age of 12 will not be allowed to watch the show live from the top deck in the audience.

Again this has caused outrage and many families annoyed by this new development, and some people have even cancelled their cruise because of it.

Looks like they may have to give away more than the 100 cabins that the show is giving away to fill it.

Does this sound like your idea of a relaxing cruise? It doesn’t to me and I am hoping my cruise on Ventura in 2 weeks time is better than this one will be




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