Safety comes first…………………

iStock_000080005137_Small-850x540This is an interesting topic- safety is the most important factor in holiday destination choice for the majority of consumers, a new study reveals.

As many as 80% rate safety as the determining factor in the wake of terrorist attacks in countries such as Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey, France and Belgium.

The Post Office Travel Money poll of 2,099 people also found that two-thirds of UK tourists bust their budget once they get to their resort – overspending by an average of 26%.

Seventy-nine per cent of those surveyed said the cost of getting to a resort influenced their destination choice and 72% voiced concerns about resort costs, with almost half citing the value of sterling as an important element in choosing where to holiday.

As many as three-in-five (59%) rated package holiday price discounts as important. While almost four-in-five (78%) of holidaymakers set a budget for their last trip, only a third of them stuck to it.

On an average budget of £747 per couple, the research found that the other two-thirds spent £195 more than they intended – adding up to a collective overspend of £1.55 billion.

Important factors in holiday choice:

  • Safety/security issues in overseas destinations 80%
  • Cost of transport (i.e. international flights) 79%
  • Health issues in overseas destinations (i.e. Zika virus) 74%
  • Resort costs for meals, drinks and other tourist items 72%
  • Weather forecasts 65%
  • Package holiday price discounts 59%
  • The strength or weakness of the pound 47%
  • Your own job security 46%

Several of my recent customers have said they would feel safer on a cruise ship especially in the current climate departing from the UK without any flying involved, what are your thoughts? Is the speculation in the newspapers putting you off your usual destination? I am off to Turkey in the next few days and have had many comments regarding my choice of destination. However it wont deter me from enjoying a Raki or 2!


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My real name is Julie work name Juliette . I have just joined in June 2015 from Thomson holidays were I was a Retail Manager for over 20  years . Prior to that I worked in a couple of smaller agencies, my first job was as a cruise consultant at…

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