Would you go on strike now, given all the problems with air travel?

BA cabin crew have just announced a series of 5 day strikes throughout May and June. The first one starts on the 18th May and the following ones are scheduled for 24 May, 30 May and 5 June. I can’t imagine it will get that far, surely these will be stopped first, but I can’t believe that the BA cabin crew have the audacity to announce these strikes. They will lose all credibility and could bring down the collapse of the company they work for. As well as bringing untold misery to thousands of passengers.

I for one don’t support them at all and say well done to all the captains who worked extra last time keeping flights in the air. What do you think?

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I have worked in the travel industry for over 25 years now since beginning as a holiday rep on a campsite in France and I have a real passion for travel. I've worked in all aspects of the industry including sales, marketing and management and I've specialised in most products…

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