My Oceana review, by Milo aged 7

This was my first cruise. It was awesome and bad. Awesome because it was a cool ship and bad because you can’t find your way around, all the stairs cross each other and it is easy to get lost.

The cabin was awesome, it had a welcome balloon and jelly beans. It was awesome because it had a secret safe and bad because I had to get a chair to stand on to reach it.

The food was good. My favourite meal was chicken nuggets and chips but the cheese was squidgy and not the one I like. The vanilla ice cream was the best in the world.

The pool was good and I kept pushing Mummy under the water.

One of the bathrooms wasn’t good because there wasn’t any toilet paper or paper towels.

The tender boat was OK, it was scary and went faster than the 5 miles per hour that Mummy said. We sat on top on the way and inside on the way back.

We played golf and table tennis too.

I didn’t want to leave, I kept saying ‘I want to stay and I want to go’ I wanted stay because it was fun but I wanted to go to see my Daddy.

In summary, nothing could be better than my first cruise.

2 Comments on “My Oceana review, by Milo aged 7

  1. I think he will be a rich man or a burglar as he was obsessed with the safe, hopefully the former.

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I have worked in the travel industry for over 25 years now since beginning as a holiday rep on a campsite in France and I have a real passion for travel. I've worked in all aspects of the industry including sales, marketing and management and I've specialised in most products…

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