British Airways flight scandal.

On Sunday evening I was on the above British Airways flight from Amsterdam and was horrified to then read all about it in the Daily Mail.

The article slates the cabin crew and tells a completely different story to the actual facts. This article could have a huge impact on the staff involved and BA as a company that I feel compelled to tell the true story.

Yes the flight was delayed  and yes the crew were in a hurry to get going, (had they been dawdling I think there would have been more trouble) but all safety checks were made and all passengers safely seated with seat belts fastened at the point that we started to take off.  I was sat on the very back row and next to the toilets and we were beginning to take off when the young lady in question rose from her seat and ran to the toilet. She was asked to return to her seat by the crew and point blankly refused. She was then told that she had to sit down for take off and it was her who suggested that she sat in the toilet. She was again advised that this wasn’t allowed. I then couldn’t hear the full conversation if any occurred as the engines were in full take off mode but the door was locked by the young lady and she remained in there. She chose to emerge before the fasten seat belt sign was extinguished.

I don’t know who went to the press with this story but they are totally out of order in doing so. The staff were nothing but friendly on this flight and no reprimands were made to the girl. I am assuming that it was her or one of her friends but I wouldn’t like to accuse them as unless you know the full facts you really shouldn’t be accusing people. I am upset at the Daily Mail for not getting their facts right and offer my full support to the BA cabin staff.

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I have worked in the travel industry for over 25 years now since beginning as a holiday rep on a campsite in France and I have a real passion for travel. I've worked in all aspects of the industry including sales, marketing and management and I've specialised in most products…

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