It Christmas…….So why are we all thinking about holidays?

Well It’s nearly here again the time of year we all look forward to for spending with our family and friends. We build it up for so long now or so it seems although for me it really all starts tomorrow on Christmas Eve. That is when we as a family we all go to the local Theater and watch a Pantomime. This years offering is Snow White and the seven dwarfs and my kids who are now 16 and 6 cant wait to go and in fairness neither can the rest of too. It’s the perfect way to relax knowing everything is all finally done, work finished presents wrapped and all the family it’s just perfect 2 hours of none stop fun followed by a meal somewhere and then back home to open Christmas Eve boxes with reindeer dust, Christmas jumpers and a few things to keep everyone occupied.

My Kids waiting to see Santa last week!

After Christmas eve we have 2 Christmas days as we have Christmas morning at home and open all the presents from Santa and then head off to one the parents for lunch and stay for the rest of the day and then on Boxing Day we then spend the day with other parents. The kids love it as they get spoil’t on both days.

So with all this going on you would think this had very much taken up all mine and my wife’s attention but oh no we have started looking at our holidays for next year today. We are think on the Canaries for the 5 of us in the October half term and then a sneaky week away for the two of us on either a 7 night cruise or a nice hotel we have seen with a private plunge pool.

So you might think well that is just me but no lot’s of you I have spoken to over the last few days are think the same and I even had one customer book a cruise for next year as her young son wanted to go on one for his Christmas present bless him.

In travel in general over the years the like of Thomas Cook, Tui and the other big guns always used to have there first advert for summer holidays on a peak time TV on Christmas Day as as soon as the Turkey is out of the way our minds seem to move on to the next big thing to focus on.

So if your honest I bet you have started to think about your next years holiday and hopefully cruise too and if not I might of just started you off thinking about it. So when the kids or grandkids have opened every toy and then settle down with a new ipad, Xbox, PS4 or whatever else has there attention, switch on the laptop/Ipad get yourself online and start looking at those cruises and then give me a call.

Me and the rest of the Cruise family. Ps I’m the good looking one in the red jumper with snowmen on it!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year from me and everyone else here at




About Me

Hi I'm Harry, I live in the  north east of England in sunny Middlesbrough, I'm married and have 3 children a daughter aged 12 and two twin boys who are ten years younger and keep us all on our toes. I love spending time with the family, going on holiday,…

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