What’s happening to Cunard?

I always give my clients a call just before they set off on their cruise to say ‘Bon Voyage’ and then I call them again when they get home to see if they enjoyed their cruise and everything was to their satisfaction. After the busy Christmas period I have spoken to lots of clients who cruised during the festive season and a recurring theme is emerging. Most of my clients had a wonderful time, really enjoyed their cruise and thoroughly recommend ‘getting away from it all’ at this time of year, however, those who sailed with Cunard all seem to be saying similar things………..
“the service just isn’t what it used to be”, “afternoon tea is now served in mugs rather than china cups and saucers”, “Cunard seems to be cutting corners and many of the nice little touches are no longer there”.

Already over the last twelve months quite a few of my ‘Cunard regulars’ have switched to other brands, Celebrity in particular, and they are completely satisfied, loving what Celebrity has to offer.
Many of these clients harken back to the good old days of the QE2 when service and standards seemed so much better, so are Cunard resting on their laurels and relying on their reputation of days gone by to attract business? If they are, it’s just not going to happen!
With so many cruise lines launching new ships, re-vamping older ships, introducing new facilities, and constantly looking to improve their product, if Cunard doesn’t up the anti, so to speak, they are going to be lagging behind and finding it more and more difficult to fill their ships as cruisers are going to look to other cruiselines who will fulfill their cruise expectations as they contantly update and move forward.
Are there any Cunard diehards who agree? I would welcome your views as always.

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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