The Mystery of the Disappearing Suitcase….. or, Steve’s Epic World Cup Adventure!



It’s that time of year, loads of phone calls from clients wanting to book family cabins during the summer holidays and to be honest there is very little to offer them. They have literally ‘missed the boat’. Now you would think that someone who works in the travel industry would know better wouldn’t you – oh no – Just ten days before the World Cup Final, our Finance Director Steve comes over and asks me to find him a hotel room in Rio for 3 nights to cover the World Cup Final, oh, and a decent hotel to boot. My response? “Are you having a laugh?”

Steve had two tickets for himself and his son for the final itself. He had flights booked but had left the accommodation until the last minute, maybe not the most sensible thing to do. Anyway, no surprises, our suppliers were fresh out of hotel rooms so Steve had to book a room direct with a hotel online – I use the term room loosely as it turned out to be more of a cupboard really (lesson there somewhere Steve!).
Off they flew on the Wednesday before the final, spending a night in Madrid before flying to Sau Paulo the following morning then a connecting flight to Rio itself. One small hitch, although they arrived safely there was no sign of Steve’s suitcase! Form were duly filled in, a pair of shorts and a few tee shirts purchased and off they went – to spend their first night in a cupboard – he was not a happy man!



The offending article!
The following day, they did some sightseeing and en route happened upon a hotel that had had a cancellation so they immediately moved all their stuff – sorry, one suitcase to the new hotel which I believe was a bit of an upgrade from the previous one. Still no suitcase.

The day of the final arrived and off they went, Steve now on day four of the same shorts in a hot a humid climate, still no suitcase. They arrived in good time and good job too. As they went through the turnstiles it became apparent that their tickets had been cancelled! This was just about the final straw for poor Steve. A lost suitcase, spending a night in a cupboard, less than fresh in a pair of shorts that were now on day three, and now this.

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Two hours and lots of begging, pleading, filling in of forms and jiggery pokery later Steve and his son headed into the stadium with minutes to spare before the start of the match – Steve’s nerves completely in tatters by this stage. Fortunately they were seated next to two kindly Brazilians who took pity on Steve and his tale of woe. They shared their beer with him and I think in no time at all he felt much better. I do know that he is his son’s hero for actually managing to get them into the match!


New Best Friends!
Sadly, the adventure was almost over and after the match Steve and his son, and his four day old shorts headed to the airport for their flight back to the UK. Alas, Steve still hadn’t been reunited with his suitcase but every cloud has a silver lining, I suppose it is quicker to check in with only one case.
I am happy to report that Steve and his missing case were finally reunited on Sunday, almost a week after he got home. Half his luggage was missing, obviously some unscrupulous airport staff, although I have to say I think four pairs of jeans was a little excessive for such a short trip.
The moral of this story? Plan and book ahead to avoid disappointment! To do just this, call me on 0800 408 6084 or email me at [email protected], I’m always happy to help 🙂

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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