Secret Life of a Cruise Consultant…. continued

To cut a long story short, I have recently found out that I have mega high cholesterol and very high blood pressure. Naturally I blame all the wonderful food and drink on all the ship launches I go on, not to mention the never ending cakes to celebrate birthdays in our office, and ‘naughty lunches’ that we have on Saturdays in the office. Truth be told I have no self-discipline and can only blame myself!
Anyway, something has to give, especially as I have another little River Cruise to look forward to in August (more of that to follow), so, the low cholesterol diet started about six weeks ago along with some ‘gentle exercise’ as recommended by my GP.

Now, my good friend Peta, who has been power walking for about 10 years took this news very seriously and declared that we would walk – and when she says walk she actually almost means trot, and never mind 30 minutes of gentle exercise, I have walked (trotted) many miles this last few weeks. Up hill and down dale, all around Alvechurch and surrounding areas – 5 miles, 7 miles, 6 miles, just depending on Petas chosen route. I have to say it has been a challenge for me as I have done no exercise at all for years, however, I am discovering that I really enjoy it!

Another perk of all this walking is that I can take my camera with me, although I am not allowed to dawdle too much! I’ve taken some lovely pictures, even if I do say so myself. More to follow I hope.
If you enjoy walking and exercise don’t worry about missing out on it while you are on your cruise, every ship has a Prom Deck so you can always do a few laps of that on a daily basis. You will need to to keep your waistline under control with all that lovely food to tempt you!

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About Me

I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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