Rolling, Rolling, Rolling down the River………….

Those of you that follow my blog have probably been wondering where I’ve disappeared to over the past few weeks. It goes quieter in Sales at this time of year, yet our Marketing department are flat out preparing for the New Year so I have done a bit of a side step over there to help out for a couple of months – don’t worry I will be back in the saddle on 2nd January ’13. I’m really looking forward to catching up with all my regulars, I’m missing you all!

Anyway, a bit more of what I have been up to in Marketing. To be honest, I am having the time of my life! I may have mentioned more than a couple of times that I am passionate about river cruising, well I am working with Naz who I went on the AmaCerto with in August, she is our River Cruise Marketing Executive, and I am enjoying the work enormously. I am helping Naz with a really exciting project – setting up a brand new river cruise website which will be totally independant from our main website. Never having worked in Marketing before it’s a huge challenge for me. There is so much to take in – a bit like teaching an old dog new tricks really, but it is so interesting and I am learning so much about all the different river cruise lines and the rivers themselves. It really is fascinating. I will be a world class authority on the subject by the time I come back in January!

 I am also learning about what goes on behind the scenes and how the website is updated, and something called SEO – all exciting stuff. Google rankings is what its all about!
I have been writing lots of narrative for the new website so I thought I would share some of it with you. It may just tickle your fancy and make you think that river cruising might be something that would interest you. If so, please give me a call in the New Year, I would be delighted to share my love of river cruising with you.
Here’s a taster of what’s to come……………….

River Mekong


The Mekong River begins in the Tibetan Plateau and flows through 5 Southeast Asian countries before joining the South China Sea. It is the 12th largest river in the world but is one of the richest in terms of its culture, history and ecological diversity. Sailing through China, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam it offers a historical timeline of ancient empires and modern conflicts. Sail through rainforests, plains and rice fields and through fishing villages untouched by time. As home to roughly 1000 species of fish, 20,000 plants species and hundreds of bird, reptile, and mammal species, the Mekong is one of the most biologically diverse areas in the world—second only to the Amazon River.

River Mekong Course

The Mekong rises on the Tibetan Plateau on the “Three Ricers Area” and begins its life with the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers. It flows southwest through the Yunnan Province and becomes the border of Burma (Myanmar) and Laos. For much of its passage through Laos it marks the border with Thailand and then exits at the south of the country into Cambodia.The river traverses across Cambodia to the capital Phnom Penh and then it’s course turns southeast through the Mekong Delta and into Vietnam where it is known as the Mekong is Sông Tiền or Tiền Giang. The Mekong finally flows out of Vietnam into the South China Sea

Cai Be

Cái Bè is a charming river-land mixed town in Vietnam. It is a rural district of Tiền Giang province in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam.  Famous for its incredible floating markets, visitors can take a sampan ride as they marvel at the colourful scene of wholesalers moored on their larger vessels, displaying their wares on tall wooden poles, while buyers move amongst them on smaller crafts.  

The local economy of Cai Be is based on tourism and horticulture with a great many fruit orchards in the surrounding area. Visitors can also explore the lush back waterways of the Mekong Delta, see the emerald rice fields, wander amongst the vibrant tropical fruit gardens and walk across the ‘monkey bridges’ that link villages together.
City History
Up to now, the history of Cai Be Floating Market is still unknown but people believe that it was formed during time of the formation of the delta in 17th to 18th century by people came from  Central Vietnam. They were the founders of the delta who cultivated and settled down here for years. According to “Gia Dinh Thanh Thong Chi”, Lord Nyugen built the Long Ho Town in Cai Be (called Cai Be Town) in 1732.
Population – 300,000
Currency – Dong
Language – Vietnamese
Did you know?
Cai Be was a location for the 2009 US TV series The Amazing

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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