Quality Carpets (and light fittings) of Europa 2!

Here you are then, carpet fans. The post you have all been waiting for – you didn’t think that I’d forget did you? In between all that lovely food I found time to snap a few carpets and light fittings for you, all of which were classy, tasteful, stunning in places, and of course, top notch quality.
Just a bit of fun really, enjoy!

Wow! I didn’t realise there were so many of them. I have to say that I think this has to be one of the best collections yet. Hope you enjoyed them!

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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