Ports of Call – Lofoten and Bodo……

Where? Never heard of it! Anyway, if this is a new one to you then it’s about halfway up the coast of Norway,on the right heading North. There are some great things to do here. For starters –

Lofotr Viking Feast
Held at the Lofotr Viking Museum, which is a recreation of the largest Viking building ever found, the Chieftain and Lady of the house invite you to join them for a Viking feast in the banquet hall, which includes home-brewed mead. All this can be enjoyed while watching them make sacrifices to the Gods, praying for the sun to return! All sounds very Norwegian, and thoroughly entertaining!

Lofotr Viking Feast Summer
Much the same as above, but much more informative. You will be told about the Viking Ages and how life was for the Vikings who lived here. Again you will enjoy a Viking feast while you enjoy Viking singing and dancing. Now, I never knew that Vikings danced so I would love to hear some feedback about this from anyone in the know. You will also get to taste the home-brewed mead on this trip.

Bodo Rib Safari
This excursion will take you to Saltstraumen, where you will witness the worlds most powerful tidal current. Four times a day, 13 billion cubic feet of water are forced in and out through a passage 150 metres wide and 31 metres deep. today will also provide an opportunity to observe sea eagles and parts of the Caledonian Fold Belt, a range of mountains dating back over 250 million years. All of this is ‘viewable’ from the safety and comfort of sturdy rubber boats, or ‘ribs’ which are driven by highly experienced and knowledgeable pilots. This will be a great day out I assure you.

You see, Norway isn’t just about fjords, and scenery. There is lots more to see and do besides.  Hurtigruten offer some really fantastic excursions along the voyage. As always, if you would like to know more or would like to share your experiences then please give me a call, or alternatively, respond to this post.

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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