About Me

I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

Posted on Jun 12, 2012
Do we need more cruise ships?

With all the last minute deals around on cruises at the moment it makes you wonder if the cruise lines are struggling to fill their ships this summer? Some of the prices are so low that you wonder how they are covering their costs. For example, Grand Princess on 23rd…

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Posted on Jun 1, 2012
A Diamond Weekend All Round!

So the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations reach their climax this weekend, and I for one am thoroughly looking forward to the whole thing. We kicked of celebrations in the office today with some nibbles and Pimms at lunchtime which was lovely. Some of the girls had also decorated the office…

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Posted on May 27, 2012
My handsome boy!

On Friday night last, my youngest son had his long awaited School Prom to mark the end of his time at school. There has been much excitement in the build up to this, as much for us parents as the teenagers. Anyway, the weather was perfect for a pre-Prom get…

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Posted on May 21, 2012
Secret Life of a Cruise Consultant….. continued

So what do I like to do best when I am not selling cruises? One of my favourite pastimes is watching my youngest son play cricket for Alvechurch and Hopwood Cricket Club, he is passionate about the game and I really enjoy watching him. I prefer watching him play cricket…

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Posted on May 15, 2012
Snow in May?

Well it's official, the world has gone mad. I have just looked out of the office window and it is snowing! Since when did we have snow in May? Are we ever goiing to get any sun this year? I find it all thoroughly depressing. To add insult to injury…

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Posted on May 9, 2012
Celebrity Wine Cruise – is the wine the real attraction?

Celebrity released these 'Wine Cruises' some long while ago and to be honest they didn't really seem to register on anyones Richter scale, barely a pulse could be felt. Yet all of a sudden they are flying out the door because Celebrity have absolutely slashed the prices and thrown in…

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Posted on May 3, 2012
Complimentary Upgrades?

At Cruise.co, in order to ensure that we have dotted the I's and crossed the T's, we go through a very thorough checklist at the end of each booking we make, with the client. We do this to ensure that the client knows everything they need to know and is…

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Posted on Apr 28, 2012
Dancing On Ice…….

Last night I went to the NIA in Birmingham to watch Dancing On Ice, the live show. This was a Mothers Day gift from 'the teenagers', and what a wonderful night it was. All the stars of the TV show performed as did Torvill and Dean. Chico even did his…

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Posted on Apr 22, 2012
‘Guarantee’ Cabins………..

You'll no doubt be aware that many of the cruise lines are slashing their prices at the moment for 2012 cruises, selling off their last cabins at rock bottom prices - not great news for those of you who booked early I know, but there are some bargains to be…

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Posted on Apr 15, 2012
How does your garden grow?

Truth be told, I'm not the geatest of gardeners. I have quite a big garden, most of which is lawn and just a few flower beds and trees so no great skill required although I often wish that I had more time to spend in it so that I could…

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