About Me

I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

Posted on Jan 10, 2014
Don”t watch this if you are a nervous sailor!

Just a bit of Friday night fun really, and for those 'seasoned cruisers' amongs you - you probably won't bat an eyelid. You will probably have sailed in rougher seas, however for 'new to cruising' folks or nervous sailors you are probably best to skip to the next post. It…

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Posted on Jan 8, 2014
Family Time v Sports Bar…………….. ?

Now I am not that into sport, in fact I can take it or leave it to be honest so maybe I am not the right person to be commenting here, but is the ability to have great sports coverage on your cruise, or not as the case maybe, a…

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Posted on Jan 1, 2014
………. and so another year begins

Although, as I sit here on the sofa suffering from the excesses of last nights celebrations I am feeling rather nostalgic. In typical New Years Day fashion the BBC is airing The Sound of Music, my all time favourite film, and I am transported back to my wonderful Danube River…

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Posted on Dec 1, 2013
Berlin – Port of Call or City Break?

Anyone who has visited Berlin whilst on a cruise will know that they journey from Warnemund and back again is longer than the time you will spend in the city itself, and as it is such a big city there is way more to see and do than you could…

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Posted on Nov 24, 2013
Three Queens to meet in Liverpool in 2015…………………

So there will be much more to see than a 'ferry 'cross the Mersey' on 24th May 2015 when the Queen Mary 2 sails into Liverpool, to be followed By Elizabeth and Victoria the following day. The event has been planned to celebrate Cunard's 175th anniversary and it will be…

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Posted on Nov 20, 2013
What floats your boat?

I can't even begin to guess how many people I have spoken to since I began working as a Cruise Consultant but it must surely run into thousands, but however many people I speak to I always treat every single enquiry, be it for a mini cruise or a World…

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Posted on Nov 19, 2013
Shearings – The Battle cruise Collection 2014

2014 sees several wartime anniversaries, the 75th anniversary of the start of World War II and 100 years since the outbreak of World War I along with the anniversaries of other notable events. To mark these occasions Shearing have organised three special Battlefield Cruises, sailing on their premium ship the…

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Posted on Nov 12, 2013
Cruise.co.uk ‘Bake Off’ 2013 – a real team effort!

An event that is now set to become an annual event proved to be a massive success yesterday, I am thrilled to be able to tell you. Once again, the staff of Cruise.co showed what a fantastically caring and giving bunch of people they are. Whether it's work or play…

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Posted on Nov 6, 2013
The ‘must do port’ in 2014 is VENICE!!

i Why? Quite simply because Venice is cracking down on the number of cruise ships they are allowing in to Venice with immediate effect, and they are completely banning ships over 96,000 gross tonnes from November 2014. Venice is one of the worlds most popular cruise ports and one that…

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Posted on Nov 1, 2013
Carry On Cruising (1962!!)

Did anyone else catch this wonderful film on ITV3 last Sunday afternoon? It's years since I last saw it and it really did make me chuckle! Discussing it in the office this week, it appears that people either love or hate the Carry On films,. Personally, I love them. Nice…

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