About Me

I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

Posted on Apr 30, 2014
Do Fred Olsen need to up their game?

Some clients of mine have just returned from a full world cruise on the Fred Olsen Balmoral. Here is their feedback. If you have sailed with Freds do you think this is a fair representation of the cruise line? Please feel free to comment as you wish." The World Cruise was…

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Posted on Apr 27, 2014
Vivalto or Voluto Mr Clooney? Er, give me a minute!

So there I am, waking up in my lovely suite in my enormous bed for the first time on Europa 2 last August, and I thought 'I'll make myself a nice cup of coffee in that swanky machine and drink it on my balcony'. Twenty minutes later I am still…

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Posted on Apr 20, 2014
Sunbathing – it’s a work of art you know………….

I'm not a big ship fan, I've never made a secret of it and on a weekend cruise on a large family friendly ship last June this was confirmed when I found myself, on a hot and sunny afternoon, perched on a sun lounger amongst the masses around the pool…

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Posted on Apr 15, 2014
Owls in Leeds City Centre……. who would have thought it?

On a recent visit to Leeds I spent a couple of hours one afternoon doing the Owl Trail - a strange thing to do in a city centre you would think, however, the purpose of the trail is to inform people of the city's heritage and history as each owl…

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Posted on Apr 8, 2014
Hurtigruten – a few tips……. and reasonably priced coffee!!

Some clients of mine have recently done a Northern Lights cruise with Hurtigruten and have very kindly emailed me some feedback. Hurtigruten are one of the lesser known 'cruise lines' so I thought their tips might be useful to any of you who are considering sailing with them at some…

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Posted on Apr 6, 2014
York – from a different perspective……..

I have just had a lovely few days away with a friend up in Leeds and York. I have been to York before, many years ago with school - so make that many years ago!Despite the air pollution we had a great few days sightseeing. I have to say I…

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Posted on Mar 30, 2014
The dreaded Cruise Personaliser – am I going to Paris or not?

I don't know if I have mentioned it before but I have a milestone birthday this year (I am trying not to think about it!), anyway, myself and four friends, two of whom are also 50 this year, have booked a four night mini cruise as part of our celebrations.…

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Posted on Mar 22, 2014
Yes, River Cruising IS accessible to Wheelchair Users!

  Most river cruise ships, even the brand new long ships, don't cater for wheelchair users which is strange because there is demand. Why don't they? I don't know. We quite frequently get asked for adapted cabins on river cruises so it must be about time the giants of the…

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Posted on Mar 16, 2014
Cunard Can you Please Explain?

As you can imagine, it has been a busy week at Cruise.co HQ with the Cunard 175th Anniversary sailings going on sale. All the Cunard die-hards had pre-registered to ensure they could be a part of this historic occasion and as usual we did our clients proud - well most…

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Posted on Mar 11, 2014
Let’s Get Naked!

Yes, you did read that correctly, and this is exactly what my colleagues and I are planning on doing this year. We haven't gone mad, we are not desperate, and we do not want to frighten all our lovely clients. What we really want to do is raise money for…

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