About Me

I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

Posted on Jun 22, 2014
“I long to ride a bike, dance, whistle, look at the world, feel young and know that I am free…………”

....... is perhaps the sentence that stood out for me and struck a chord when, as a young girl, I first read Anne Frank's Diary. It was this sentence that really brought home to me the enormity of Anne's situation, compared to my own. I had a lovely childhood -…

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Posted on Jun 19, 2014
MSC heading for the Premiership whilst maintaining lower division pricing

Historically, let's be honest, MSC have not enjoyed good feedback. Having sailed with them twice I have to say I think feedback about them has been harsh to say the least, but let me tell you, things are a changing! More and more often I am getting great feedback, and…

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Posted on Jun 11, 2014
It took me 42 years, but I finally went behind the bookcase…..

I cannot tell you how many times I have visited Amsterdam over the past few years, each time with every intention of visiting Anne Frank's House, but I finally made it last month. I am so glad I did too. It was like the final chapter of the book for…

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Posted on Jun 6, 2014
Sex and drugs and …………. two girls, one night in Amsterdam (that’s all it took!)

"Two hot girls on a hot summer night, looking for........" (let's not go there),  to quote Carly Simon, goodness knows quite what it was we were looking for in Amsterdam but we found plenty to keep us amused, and more besides! Goodness me, didn't we just. And I think we…

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Posted on May 31, 2014
A Right ‘Royal’ Dining Experience on board Royal Crown……….

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well" said Virginia Woolf, and boy did we dine well on our recent trip on Royal Crown!Over the years I have been lucky enough to sail on, and dine on, many ships, both Ocean going and river,…

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Posted on May 27, 2014
“Let them eat cake” said Marie Antoinette, and we did, but did she?

There is some question as to whether it was Marie Antoinette who uttered that famous statement, but whether she did or not, my friends and I were in Paris so we were going to eat cake - or to be precise, Macaroons, from a very famous cake shop indeed!Have you…

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Posted on May 25, 2014
Royal Crown – a little gem cruising along the rivers of Europe!

Myself and Holly have just had an amazing few days over in the Netherlands, a hectic 24 hours in Amsterdam (more about that in another post) followed by two nights on board Royal Crown.I love river cruising as you know so I was thrilled to be invited to spend some…

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Posted on May 18, 2014
Did ‘Adventure’ Wow me? (I don’t like big ships remember!)

Although I am not a fan of bigger ships - I know I am starting to sound like a scratched record - my friends and I chose Adventure of the Seas for our 50th birthday celebration because the date and the duration suited. I really wanted to do a short…

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Posted on May 14, 2014
Warning! Please put on your sunglasses before reading this post!

Entrance to Mozart Dining RoomJust when I think I've seen the cruise ship carpet to beat them all, along comes another one to top it! They just get whackier and whackier, much to my delight. I mean, who actually looks at these designs and thinks "wouldn't that look just fabulous…

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Posted on May 11, 2014
Three Friends, Five Decades of Friendship, Four Nights on a Ship………………..

Two of my dearest friends and myself are celebrating a milestone birthday this year -  yes folks, it's time to admit that on 4th August I shall be celebrating my 50th birthday!We wanted to do something special to celebrate this momentous occasion and surprise, surprise, we decided to go on…

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