About Me

I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

Posted on Jan 4, 2015
When is a space not just a space?

  The definition of the word space is 'a continuous area which is free, available and unoccupied'. Now whilst the space I am talking about will probably never be unoccupied it has a great feeling on continuity, freedom and availability and is probably one of the best uses of space…

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Posted on Dec 30, 2014
So who is my River Cruising ‘Top of the Pops’?

Now that is the $64 million question isn't it. Selling as many river cruises as I do and being something of a River Cruise Specialist, which of these lines would I chose to sail with if I was making the booking for myself? Avalon, Viking, AmaWaterway's, APT, the four main…

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Posted on Dec 19, 2014
“Dance like nobody’s watching, Sing like nobody’s listening”…………

And that is just what this guy did! On my recent Viking river cruise we met the most wonderful bunch of Chinese/Americans, twelve of them. They were absolutely delightful and just proved my theory that it doesn't matter what ship you are on, big or small, old or new, it's…

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Posted on Dec 11, 2014
Are you a ‘port collector’?

One of my colleagues and I have a bit of a standing joke when we go off on a cruise. If it includes a port that we haven't visited before we say we are going to put a flagpole in the ground there to mark the fact that we have…

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Posted on Dec 5, 2014
Capturing the Carpets of Quantum………

Quantum, the most groundbreaking ship there has ever been. The ship that has changed the face of cruising forever. On board technology, the likes of which has never been seen before. Bla, bla, bla, we've heard all about that but what about her carpets? Are they in keeping? Are they as…

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Posted on Dec 3, 2014
Want to see what a real Viking feast looks like?

Food is one of the most important aspects of cruising for me. If the food doesn't come up to expectation then it is a major disappointment for me, a deal breaker. There are many other things that I am willing to compromise on when it comes to cruising but not…

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Posted on Nov 30, 2014
Viking Rinda – Old Norse or Norse Goddess?

I'm back down to earth with a bump having just returned from a great few days sailing from Passau to Nuremberg with Viking River Cruises, and what a fantastic time we had. You get so spoiled on these ships that having to make your own bed, clean your own bathroom…

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Posted on Nov 25, 2014
And so my whistle stop tour continues – time to take on the Vikings!

  Goodness, what a few weeks it has been - Oasis of the Seas, Quantum of the Seas, MSC Preziosa, and as I write you find me somewhere between Passau and Regensberg on the very lovely Danube river aboard the Viking Rinda. This is my third Danube cruise but my…

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Posted on Nov 18, 2014
M.S.C. – Mesmerising Sparkle and Crystal!

There is no denying that Preziosa has pizazz! My recent trip brings my total ship tally to just under 30, 3 of which have been on MSC. Every ship has its own merits, something that commends it, but no other cruise line comes close to MSC when it comes to decor.…

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Posted on Nov 7, 2014
Lift Art – it’s what all the Smart ships are sporting you know!

No more checking your 'look' in the mirror on the way to dinner or reapplying your lipstick on the go, oh no, not any more! There are no mirrors in the lift on Royal Caribbean's Quantum of the Seas. Lift decor has moved to another level altogether - we have…

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