About Me

I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

Posted on Feb 27, 2015
The secret’s out at last!

  The bush telegraph has been rumbling for weeks and rumours have been rife but at last we have had confirmation that HM The Queen will be Godmother to the new P&O Britannia. Talk about cutting it fine, I was beginning to think I was going to have to smash…

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Posted on Feb 21, 2015
“My weaknesses have always been food and men – in that order”………….

....... Dolly Parton has been quoted as saying, and you know what? I am right there with you Dolly. Food and men, men and food, no, definitely food then men. I love my food and as you will already know, one of my favourite parts of cruising is the wonderful…

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Posted on Feb 15, 2015
Well done Royal Caribbean – a swift response to passenger feedback.

  One of the major groundbreaking new features on Royal Caribbean's two 'smartships' was to be Dynamic Dining. Not set dining times, no main dining room but four freestyle dining venues that clients could pre-book or just arrive at, any time to suit them. Following feedback from passengers who have…

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Posted on Feb 10, 2015
Can you be flexible with travel dates?

  Do you love a bargain? Do you like to get the best deal? Would you love to be one of those people who has paid a fraction of what your fellow cruisers have paid?  Well, that is something I can help you with! Now first of all, as we…

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Posted on Feb 5, 2015
Bellissimi Tappeti? You decide………….

The ships definitely have what we in the industry call 'wow factor'. There is no doubt that they are some of the most stunning vessels to sail the World's oceans. Well you wouldn't expect anything less from the Italians, noted for their style and flair would you? So for all…

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Posted on Feb 3, 2015
The up’s and down’s of cruising……… quite literally!

Yes, I am fully aware that there are up and down arrows on the outside of lifts. You press the down one to go down and the up one to go up. You get in the lift to go up to the buffet or the Pool Deck and realize that…

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Posted on Jan 25, 2015
‘Magic mushrooms, marzipan vegetables and maudlin fish’………

...... is quite the norm in a certain part of Barcelona you know. Not one of the usual tourist haunts, more for the locals really I suppose, but if you happen to be wandering along Las Ramblas step away from all the designer outlets for a while and into the…

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Posted on Jan 22, 2015
Flowrider – Coming soon to a supermarket near you!

  Well there you go, it just shows how much, or little, I know! Ever since Royal Caribbean launched the surf simulators that we have come to know and love, the Flowrider, I thought this was a really clever invention by themselves, however it would appear not. I was talking…

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Posted on Jan 16, 2015
Fancy taking a tour around the World’s first ‘Smartship’?

  Are you sitting comfortably then? That's all you have to do because thanks to those clever folks at Google Street View and their very clever technology - very apt as this smart ship is extremely techy - you can take a virtual tour from the comfort of your armchair.…

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Posted on Jan 9, 2015
So why wouldn’t you book your cruise with me?

There are lots of agencies and agents around as we all know, so how do you chose an agent? Well you want one who knows their stuff, will get you the best cruise that suits your requirements as well as your budget, and most importantly one that is passionate about…

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