It’s Quantum Time!


My bag is packed and ready for an early start tomorrow morning. The day is finally here, the day when I will board ‘the ship that will change the face of cruising forever’. I am really looking forward to seeing what she has to offer – and if indeed the check in process really does only take ten minutes as promised with Smartship technology! Not holding my breath on that one if I’m honest but let’s see.


People have sent in many questions for me to ask on board when I interview various key figures and I will do my best to get answers to as many of them as possible. One particular question stands out for me – “how will people who are not tech savvy cope on Quantum?” – and as someone who is not overly comfortable with modern technology I think I am the perfect person to put the ship to the test. If I can manage then I assure you anyone can. Watch this space for my feedback.


This leads me on to a question of my own which is much along the same lines – will this only be a ship for youngsters and families or will she, like her big sister Oasis, have something for everyone, even the older generation. I am really hoping that she is a ship for everyone and that Royal Caribbean haven’t catered for the older generation. It will be interesting to see I’m sure.

Regardless, there are plenty more cruise lines who cater very well for people who prefer a more traditional cruise line but I really hope that Royal Caribbean does not disappoint, I have already been on two of her ships this year and they both Wowed! me so I hope Quantum does too.

So, it’s off up the Wooden Hill to Bedfordshire for me, I need to get a good nights sleep as I probably won’t be getting much for the next two nights! I’ll catch you on the other side and let you know all about this innovative ship in my usual frank fashion.

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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