‘Guarantee’ Cabins………..

You’ll no doubt be aware that many of the cruise lines are slashing their prices at the moment for 2012 cruises, selling off their last cabins at rock bottom prices – not great news for those of you who booked early I know, but there are some bargains to be had out there for people who have played the waiting game. OK, so you don’t get any on board credit or free parking but the prices reflect this.

Nine times out of ten when you book at the last minute you will book a cabin on a ‘Guarantee basis’. This means that you will be allocated a cabin by the ship in the grade that you have booked or higher, never a lower grade. People are always so thrilled with the bargain price they have booked their cruise at that they don’t always think through the implications of this, even when we explain what a ‘guarantee’ basis means, and then when their cabin is allocated they call me up and say that they are not happy with the position of their cabin and can they change it? The simple answer to that is no. By booking a guarantee cabin you are agreeing to allow the ship to allocate it.
You cannot request to be near a lift, or midships on a high deck, or not at the front or back of the ship. It doesn’t matter that you are a ‘diamond member’ or have sailed with that cruise line since 1975 or are second cousins of the Maitre D’.
The golden rule is this –
Don’t book a guarantee in any given category unless you would be happy with a cabin in that category! In other words, if you will not be happy with anything less than a suite, don’t book an inside guarantee. If you really must be midship, then bite the bullet and book a cabin number and pay the extra, don’t book a gurantee cabin as you may end up right at the front of the ship, and I’m afraid that will be that.
You need to weigh up the options before booking a guarantee – cheapest isn’t always best!

3 Comments on “‘Guarantee’ Cabins………..

  1. Guarantee are excellent if you are cruising on a budget, and after all you are only sleeping in the cabin, not spending your whole day there. Facilities are all the same, so if your not fussy about the position, then guarantees are fine.

  2. Dear Hannah
    Re your comments on booking early. We booked 8 months before our cruise with your company.We confirmed on booking we were willing to accept a complimentary upgrade.We notice the price being offerd on what we paid had been reduced by £500pp, I email Cunard 3 months before the cruise asking the question that we had not been informed of any upgrading, as one would have expected. The finale offers three weeks before sailing was £800pp with balcony upgrades us now losing £1000pp.We understand the company needs to fill the ship,our complaint and concern is the upgrading should be applied first to passingers who had booked early,this would be much fairer.Cunards reply to my emails is to suggest ABORTING (there words)the current resevation and to rebook at the better rates with upgrades accepting cancellation fees,but by this time we had paid the full balance. We know we accepted the price at the time of booking although we have lost £2000, but this does not not mean we should not be expected to be treated fairly if upgrades become available. May I add we are platinum members,and will never book early again. We had a lovely cruise and made new friends. Just disapointed with Cunard not looking after its loyal customers.
    QV April 4th-21st Mark & Barbara Ford

  3. Hi Hannah,

    Yes everything you say is true. However, as a very ‘late booker and bargain hunter’ I have had some wonderful cruises (booked through your company). The thing to do is to go on the website of the cruise company (eg. PandO or Celebrity etc.) that you want to travel with and see which cabins are available. They usually list availability for the cruise you are interested in so you can look on the map of the ship to see where the cabins are. This at least gives you an idea of what you may get.

    Has always worked for me in the past and I have never been disappointed. As I travel alone as well it has given me some fabulous accommodation. I like my own balcony space and usually get a full bathroom too! Also I have saved the awful SS (single supplement) they hit you with if you book early. Different strokes for different folks they say. Just do a bit of research yourself before you book. Then you really shouldn’t complain about what you are given.

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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