Europa 2 – was it really all about the food?

Well its seems that way if you have been following my forum posts from the ship! I seemed to hurtle from meal to meal whilst merely skimming over everything that happened in between. Story of my life really which is probably why I had to rejoin Slimming World again last week – those that know me well know that I do love my food!
I have to say, the food on Europa 2 is some of the best I have eaten at sea and the variety was tremendous for a small ship. Even the buffet style restaurant, Yacht Club, served food of the very highest standard. I took photos of as many dishes as I remembered to – sometimes I was in such a rush to get my nosebag on that I completely forgot. Anyway, to see all the photos including those of the food take a look here, and I will just post a selection on here, some of my favourites – goodness, how do I chose?

Serenissima (Italian)

Weltmeere (main dining)

Elements (Asian)

Sakura (Sushi)

Yacht club (buffet style)

Yacht Club (Steak and Caviar Evening)

Tarragon (French)
And now for something completely different – have you ever heard of Dinkel Flake Mash? Me neither!
And finally, no good cruise would be complete without breakfast on your balcony!

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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