Do the cruise lines look after their loyal clients?

We all know that the cruise lines have their ‘loyalty schemes’ such as Captains Circle and Penninsular and World Club whereby clients can accrue points and gain benefits from them, but are the cruise lines really offering passengers a good deal?
I am beginning to question this, as are many of my clients!

The cruise line brochures always encourage people to book early to get the best deals. They offer a discount if people book at ‘launch’ and often enhance this offer with some On Board Spend or Free Parking. However, once the balance due date has come and gone (meaning that cnacellation charges would be considerably increased) the cruise lines then slash the price of the cruise to  rock bottom prices. Cancelling and rebooking is not an option for people already booked as the cancellation charge is now way too high, so the loyal cruiser is left feeling very very cheated, and indeed, misled. What exactly were the benefits of booking so early??
Okay, with the last minute prices you would not get to choose a cabin, you would not get On Board spend or Free Parking, but even having taken these things into account clients are still £100’s of pounds out of pocket. We all know that the cruise lines reserve the right to increase or lower prices at any time but the price drops they are making are just too great these days.
Only yesterday such a situation occured with a very good client of mine, and taking everything into consideration he has paid over £1000 more for a cabin two categories lower than he could have got booking at yesterday prices. However, because the balance had been paid to the cruise line two weeks ago, just before the price on this cruise was reduced, the client would lose £1629 if he were to cancel and rebook at the lower price. He has stated quite clearly that hje will not be cruising with Cunard again!
I think the two main offenders are P&O and Cunard. Over the last 12 months they have alienated a large number of very loyal clients with these last minute price cuts, and if they are not careful they are going to find the once ‘loyal client base’ is not so loyal anymore.
I think they have well and truly shot themselves in the foot. You cannot treat people in this way and expect them to take it lying down.
I would welcome your views on this subject and will happily forward any of your comments to the cruise lines in question. I think it’s time we gave them some feedback and taught them a thing or two about ‘Loyalty’.
As always, I look forward to hearing from you.

4 Comments on “Do the cruise lines look after their loyal clients?

  1. I have already commented above Mr Hewitt’s original observations concerning the considereable reduction in price of his forthcoming Cunard Cruise in the ‘Rate My Service’ section of Hannah’s Harbour.

    The cruise lines want it both ways and Cunard are one of the most arrogant. Booking early, unless you require a certain cabin and must do a certain cruise, is a fallacy and always was in terms of value for money. It usually pays to book as late as possible when they need you more than you need them and the most competitive fares become available.

    You are right. Once bitten is never forgotten particularly with this size of reduction. They only do it once and, being unprepared to offer recompense, it will come back to haunt them.

    Never has there been a time when loyalty was less rewarded but people vote with their feet in the end.

  2. Hi Hannah,I am one of the “Loyal Clients” who have lost just under £1000 by following Cunard’s brochure advising one to book early to get the best prices.I understand that the “Costa” incident must have affected cruise line bookings but wouldn’t you think that Cunard would have first checked bookings made by loyal clients explained the situation and offered in return either an upgrade or increase in on board spend. CUNARD if you read this take note:- If 50 loyal clients spend around £5000 each on a cruise and would have cruised with you at least another half a dozen times take their business elsewhere… have just lost £150000 in bookings!!! T Hewitt, Hull

  3. Well said Mr Hewitt. These people will only learn the hard way I fear.

    I too have voted with my feet since Cunard removed two main attractions on a Fjord cruise a couple of years ago at the 11th hour, thus negating the very reasons for booking the cruise, and refused to either refund or re-arrange it despite Naomi’s best effort.

    The problem is even if you boycott Cunard and sail with Celebrity, for example, Carnival still profits. This is a dreadful monopoly which operates in direct contravention of the public interest.

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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